Innovating for a Better Tomorrow

Heuristic Training: Our Story

Our Mission

We are committed to innovation.

Our aim is to use our collective knowledge and experience to drive tangible change in the social care sector and to continuously develop solutions and processes that deliver positive outcomes for the most vulnerable in our communities.





Who are we?

We are a team of professionals who have worked within the care industry collectively for over 30 years.

What we offer?

Effective, Efficient, and Accredited Training
Why complete a course in 30 minutes when you can complete in 15?
We know that learning needs to be engaging for learning to become knowledge, so we ensure that all our courses are relevant and focused on the main points, making the content easy to absorb. All of our courses are easy to follow, and our knowledge assessments are based on the information given. With no trick questions.

Why we built it

We have identified a challenge in recruiting and retaining staff in the care sector.
We know what's needed. We have shared the challenges of recruitment and compliance within our own careers. We understand the cost involved and the time it takes a company to get employees through the lengthy process from application to compliance to being out working safely.
Based on our experience, we can empathise with services trying to work through fundamental issues within the industry. We took this frustration and put together a solution. This solution supports providers to meet the key standards of Regulation 19 for fit and proper persons employed. Ultimately creating a better workforce to support those most vulnerable in our communities is the end goal for all of us.

Contact Us

Send us a message and we will get back to you ASAP!


Masonic Hall, 
9 Mill Street, 
Sutton Coldfield, 
B72 1TJ
Phone: +44 121 270 4580


Monday - Friday: 9 am - 5 pm GMT
Weekend: Closed


Monday - Friday: 9 am - 5 pm GMT
Weekend: Closed